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Made in Moray: Logo & Brand Design

Made In Moray is a live brief I did for a Graphic Design class for college. They are a directory company, they list local businesses in the Moray Area, with possible expansion into other areas of Scotland. They wanted a new logo design for the company, based on the Moray Coat of Arms, the rest of the content as part of the assessment for the class.
The logo was designed first. It needed to be the colours from the Moray Coat of Arms; red, blue, and yellow. The rest was up to me. I wanted to create a logo that could easily be split into the logomark and the logotype. I also wanted the logo mark to show what the business represented.
After some research into logo designs in the same market, the idea of buildings with a magnifying class came, to represent the idea of searching for a business. Although now, on second thought it could be mistaken for a real estate website.
The vector design with basic shapes and block colours was so it was not too big and would resize without quality loss.
The type is serif and very basic, this makes it easy to read, and the lack of decoration gives it a decorative feel.
The type is Louis George Café and Monometric Regular.
Blue was chosen for the type colour as it would be easiest colour to read on light coloured backgrounds
The rest of the designs were based on the colours of the logo, with the idea of professionalism and proper design ideas in mind such as hierarchy and legibility
Made in Moray: Logo & Brand Design


Made in Moray: Logo & Brand Design
